Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Start of Something New

Anyone who knows me, knows that if there is one thing I love, it's food. In the words of George Bernard Shaw, "There is no sincerer love than the love of food." There is just something about the moment a new flavor hits my tongue that will never cease to excite me. At any given time I have a list of restaurants I love and restaurants I can't wait to try. So after years of thinking about it, I am finally starting my own food blog!

I have heard it said that Dallas has the most restaurants per capita in the United States. It only takes a few days here to realize that the food possibilities in the big D are endless, and usually quite delicious. So what better place to be as I start my food blog? It seems every time I cross a restaurant off my list (yes, I have an actual list of restaurants I want to try), two more get added on! Looks like I have a lot of work to do, and a lot of food to try.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea Shawna! It must be a family thing, this love of food. I thought about becoming a food critic before, because I am always the expert on restaurants and I am so passionate about food. I love trying new food from all cultures and am usually the first person to try the new restaurants. My friends usually ask me where to go. I know you will have a great blog. When I come to Dallas next we will have to try a new place. Yum Yum!
