Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Horne & Dekker

Dining Room

Horne and Dekker is not your average restaurant. We first decided to try it out when our boss came into town and wanted to take the office out to dinner, but left it up the staff members to decide where to go. After some thorough research, we decided on Horne & Dekker, a new restaurant in the Dallas are that is different, not too expensive, and took reservations. The theme of the restaurant is gourmet comfort food - not your usual combination. As a result, their menu has everything from gnocchi to fried chicken, with a variety of things in between, not to mention a very eclectic cocktail menu that has all sorts of fun and fresh options. Horne & Dekker is located in the Knox-Henderson area of Dallas, which gets pretty crazy on the weekends, but wasn't too bad on a weeknight. Be prepared to valet though. There is never parking anywhere in this part of town.


A few of us started the evening off with a Margarugula ($10), a drink worth ordering if you can figure out how to pronounce it! It was a margarita mixed with some peppery arugula, and the best word I can think of to describe this drink would be refreshing. Another fun drink was the Honey Badger, which someone had to order merely for the name. It was mixture of whiskey and fruit juice, a little much for me personally.

Spicy Chips

Dekker Devils

The best part about going to dinner with a big group is that there are that many more things to try! The appetizer menu had some interesting options such as fried frog legs and fried green tomatoes, but our group settled on Spicy Chips ($8) and Dekker Devils ($8). The spicy chips were a solid winner with our group: homemade potato chips with spicy seasoning, drizzled with blue cheese dressing, and topped off with bacon and sweet peppers. The Dekker Devils were deviled eggs with ham, bacon, and chives mixed into the yolk. I happen to love deviled eggs, and I liked these, but I would probably prefer some more traditional deviled eggs. What was definitely worth raving about were the basket of biscuits and honey butter that they served with the meal. Confession: I literally grabbed the bus boy to prevent him from taking away the leftover biscuits when he was clearing the table. Better believe those went in my to-go box!

Dr. Pepper Carnitas
When we got to the entrees, there was a variety ordered by our table. Dr. Pepper Pork Carnitas ($16), Salmon & Couscous ($20), Finger Lickin' Fried Chicken ($17), and Sea Bass & Scallop Cake ($24) to name a few. I did not try the carnitas, but they looked delicious. The only complaint I heard about them was that the sauce was a little on the sweet side. I guess that's what happens when you cook with Dr. Pepper. I had the fried chicken. It was an insane amount of food that left me enough leftovers for another full meal the next day! The mashed potatoes were yummy, but I was not fond of the gravy. The fried chicken was moist and definitely fried. I was surprised to find that my favorite meal at the table was the salmon and couscous. The salmon fillet was perfectly cooked with a light citrus sauce and sat on a bed of cranberry and grilled veggie pearl couscous. I don't normally gravitate towards anything with cranberries, but the salmon paired with the couscous and a hint of tangy cranberries made a perfect combination.

Finger Lickin' Fried Chicken

Salmon & Couscous

Banana Bread Pudding

Red Velvet Twinkies
Now to the fun part... dessert! Horne & Dekker has a pretty crazy dessert menu. The items we chose were the Salted Caramel Brownie Sundae ($8), Banana Bread Pudding ($7), and Red Velvet Twinkies ($7). The bread pudding seemed to be a bit of a let down and not as exciting as everyone had hoped. Report was that it was not as moist as they expected bread pudding to be. I had the brownie sundae, which was good, but very rich. The hit of the table was the red velvet Twinkies. In essence, it was red velvet cake filled with cream and served with a carton of milk. The visual aspect of the plate was awesome, and the Twinkies were pretty good as well. I think they could have used a little more of the cream filling though.

Salted Caramel Brownie Sundae

Overall, I would say Horne & Dekker is definitely worth a try! Dinner was, at the very least, a good experience. Other highlights of the restaurant are their Sunday dinner, which has limitless food (like the normal servings aren't enough), and their Hangover Brunch. One look at the French Toast Loaf in their brunch advertisement and trust me, you will be sold.

Horne & Dekker
2323 Henderson Ave #102
Dallas, TX 75206
(214) 821-9333

Price: $$-$$$

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